Missoula’s Urban Forestry Division and Trees for Missoula need your help caring for our community’s young trees.
Missoula Volunteers in Pruning (VIP) is a program developed to train Missoula citizens on the skills of Formative Pruning.
Formative pruning young trees enables them to develop functional and durable branch structures that in maturity will be free from major physical weaknesses and able to support the flow of nutrients and energy reserves.
Help our young city trees become healthy, mature trees that provide many benefits to our community. Learn proper pruning techniques, the five-step method and optimal pruning timing.
Learn proper pruning techniques, the five-step method and optimal pruning timing.
Find more information about the VIP program here.
When: Saturday, Nov. 3 or Nov. 10, 2018
9 am – noon - Indoor class and lab
Sack lunch
1 pm - 4 pm - Outdoor class and lab
Missoula Parks & Recreation
100 Hickory
Missoula, MT 59801
Fee = 25 volunteer hours pruning city trees (no time restriction)
Materials for note-taking
Gloves for pruning
Informational handouts
Pruning tools and safety equipment
Space is limited, so register soon!
Reply to Karen Sippy at Karen.Sippy@treesformissoula.org